


Fine Art Photography


Highgate Cemetery is a famous London Cemetery that is known for its overgrown mysterious gravestones and its notable historic characters buried there. These images are prepared from B&W originals and then various tonal and colour treatments applied including hand tinting.

Bromoil Processes originated from a mid 19th Century “Pictorialist” photographic art movement, in Europe. Their primary objective was to create evocative images that echo traditional painting. Lithographic inks (oils) are used to create an organic painterly aesthetic, rich in texture and notable for its impressionist style.

A Collection of Traditional Darkroom Silver Bromide prints. These photographs are created using age old hand printing methods, then finessed with B&W traditional Toning techniques. Subtle colour tones are produced by applying chemical toning solutions; sepia, selenium,cobalt, copper, gold or blended multi-toning.

Classic still-life images, shot on black & white negative film. The negatives are then hand printed in the darkroom using traditional photographic processes, and then further enhanced with a variety of toning and colouring techniques using toning chemicals, and or subtle washes of coloured ink.

Faded Colours is a series of photographs, where colour is the main theme. The nature and aesthetics of the subject becomes transformed by intermingling an ethereal blend of high key tonality and restricted colour palette.

The Postcard series was inspired by early postcards, around the turn of the Century. The Images are suffused with a quiet timelessness by implementing a muted colour treatment as applied to whimsical or nostalgic themes.

Liquid Emulsion is a special darkroom, photographic process. Fine Art water colour paper is first hand coated with liquid photographic emulsions under a darkroom red safe light ahead of printing. A painstaking process, but results in a truly unique fine art print.

These images are created using traditional darkroom photographic processes, and then prepared by bathing in multiple chemical toning solutions, then finished off by hand-tinting using progressive washes of coloured inks.